
3907 Prince St.


718 886 6331

Hours of Operation

Daily, 11am-11:30pm

Accepted Payments

Credit Cards - No

Visit Sentosa to experience real craftsmanship. Impeccably fresh fish – choose from Chilean sea bass, striped bass, and more – can be ordered steamed, fried or simmered in your choice of sauce. A whole bass nestles in a platter of bubbling broth set over a gentle tableside flame. Sauces inspired by the Nyonya population, known for its Chinese influences, are balanced compositions of spicy and sour. Squid is deep-fried until it’s just cooked through; the slivers of squid are so tender that all other calamari preparations seem tough by comparison. For dessert, the coconut pudding is a light and ethereal custard that quivers on your spoon.


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